Menzies offered a range of subjects for 11-16 year olds and also a sixth form unit. “Options” were taken in the third year (year 9), with GCSE courses replacing the old O’ level system.
Each pupil was assigned a house group, Greek, Olympian, Spartan and Trojan in the first year and two forms existed within each house group for each year- eg 1G, 1G1, 1O etc. These forms then moved up in number as the years progressed to be replaced with the new intake. Three terms were served with each school year, with a six week holiday in the summer.
At the start of each year each pupil would also receive a homework diary. This allowed a record to be kept of homework/events as well as a space for a calendar and a timetable. In theory a parent and form teacher signature was also required weekly.
Good work was rewarded with “merit slips”. These were much sought after particularly in the earlier years.
Menzies in the mid 1980’s at least had a reputation for being one of the best schools academically in the borough of Sandwell. With a background of the Old Grammar school, it had a reasonably good disciplinary record and core to this was the uniform.
The school tie was a patterned dual parallel diagonal gold lines over a navy blue background.
Numerous off site activities took place, some as part of the course work and also sporting activities. A yearly Governor’s report highlighted some of the school achievements and exam results, as well as listing the staff roles.